LEGO Horizon Adventures offers a whimsical and lighthearted twist on the serious tone of the original Horizon series, transforming Aloy’s epic journey into a kid-friendly adventure filled with humor and charm. This playful adaptation simplifies the story, introducing slapstick comedy, lighter dialogue, and a narrator who frames the events as an amusing tale. While it retains the essence of Horizon through its environments, mechanical designs, and returning voice cast, the game presents a more casual, approachable experience for younger audiences...
The gameplay revolves around exploring the world, completing quests, and battling enemies, with simplified combat mechanics that still offer a hint of strategy. Players can take control of four characters—Aloy, Varl, Tilda, and Erend—each equipped with unique weapons and abilities. The combat shines during encounters with machines, which require players to exploit weaknesses for maximum damage, and culminates in exciting boss fights.
Despite its strengths, the level design is straightforward and repetitive, with limited platforming and exploration. Missions are linear, and while there are some side paths and collectibles, they add little value due to the abundance of in-game currency. The inability to replay stages or relive boss fights is a notable drawback, especially for a game aimed at children.
Mother’s Heart serves as the hub, where players can upgrade characters, purchase costumes, and customize the environment with LEGO-themed decorations. This base evolves as the game progresses, offering a sense of growth and progression. Optional objectives and unlockable items add variety, but the simplicity of the overall gameplay loop may limit long-term engagement.
Visually, the game impresses with its vibrant LEGO aesthetics, detailed lighting, and smooth animations. The voice acting and direction further elevate the experience, embracing the humorous tone that distinguishes LEGO adaptations. While the combat and presentation are highlights, the repetitive gameplay and lack of depth in level design hold the game back.
LEGO Horizon Adventures is a solid introduction to the Horizon universe for children, blending LEGO’s trademark humor with the post-apocalyptic world of the original series. Though it may not appeal to fans seeking the depth of its source material, it offers a fun and accessible experience for younger players and those looking for a lighthearted journey. If you’re a Horizon fan or enjoy LEGO games, this title is worth exploring, even if it doesn’t reach the heights of the mainline series...