Check out the answers to frequently asked questions. If there is no answer to your question, then write to us at support@twads.gg.

General questions

How is the promotion of the stream, where do viewers and views come from?

We work with game, entertainment and movie websites. These websites have a special code from Twads that automatically includes your stream in certain parts of the page on these sites when you start promoting.

In what format is the stream posted?
What do you charge for?
How does the whole process of creating and promoting a stream on twitch go point by point?
At what point should I turn on promotion - before or after the start of the stream?
What criteria can be used to select websites to display a stream?

Work technology

Does the number of views counted in the system match the Twitch statistics?

Most stream views on platforms are counted by Twitch statistics. However, we do not give a 100% guarantee that every view will be counted by Twitch.

What is the view rate and what does it depend on?
How are viewers counted?
Only unique views are counted?
Are incoming viewers displayed in the list of users in the chat room?
Why don't engaged viewers write chat messages?
Do your viewers count toward the Twitch Partnership Program?
Can there be delays or a lack of traffic after the launch of promotion?
I activated the promotion, started streaming, but the promotion is still in a "Pending" status. When will the viewings start?
Can I be banned on Twitch for using Twads?
Can I get a "shadow ban" for using Twads?

Financial questions

What payment methods do you have?

We currently accept card payments through Stripe and PayPal.

What documents will confirm the transaction?
Can I get a refund?
What to do if my wallet/card is charged when I pay, but the balance has not changed to Twads?

The speed of crediting funds to the balance depends on the speed of processing the transaction by the bank. Usually everything happens in 1 to 3 minutes, but there are cases when it takes longer than usual to process a transaction. If you have not received money in your account within 15-20 minutes after the payment, contact the technical support and inform of your login, amount of payment, method of payment and email which you indicated at payment. We will check the status of your transaction to make sure we see your payment. In any case the funds will either reach us or be returned to your card/wallet.

Other questions

How many viewers do I need to get to the Top?

You need a different number at different times. To do this, go to the section of the game you plan to stream on Twitch and see how many viewers the top 5 has before you start streaming. Also note that if you use our service only to get into the top categories on Twitch, there is a high probability of getting a shadow ban from Twitch. Also note that as of March 2020, Twitch has made the display in categories default based on recommendations rather than descending in viewers.

Do you have chatbots? Or paid subscribers?
How to get the maximum effect from the promotion stream?
Is it possible to promote the stream in different languages?

Let's start boost your views today

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