Oleg Tytarenko 13 Nov 2023
Spider Man 2 bugs removed

The latest patch for Spider-Man 2 removed one of the most pleasant bugs in the game. Insomniac has previously addressed a well-known bug in Spider-Man 2 PS5, and this is not the first instance...

Recently, many fans have noticed that the latest patch has fixed one of the bugs in Spider-Man 2. Previously, PS5 gamers found a way to "go" into the open world immediately after starting to play as Venom. But currently, gamers can no longer freely move as Venom while playing as him.

Now gamers have expressed hope that in the future Insomniac Games company will actually make a spin-off about Venom so that gamers will have more gameplay options for this character.

Some gamers assume that if a video game developer “fixes” something very quickly, it means they plan to make money on it in the future.

Perhaps gamers were given the opportunity to run as Venom so that they would wait and hope for a game based on the character, or at least DLC, so that with such an announcement many would pre-order...

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