Recently it became aware of the impending number of innovations on Twitch. This is not only new features, but also the upgrade of old ones. All this was announced by the platform at the TwitchCon Paris 2023…
These innovations will be implemented progressively throughout 2023, by the information posted on the Twitch blog. Here is a concise summary of the upcoming changes:
The platform will add an "Alert randomizer", which let's create multiple Alerts for a certain action and then randomize which one plays. Also, Twitch is adding emote customization options. And to help keep streamers safe, the company is adding Alerts integration into Shield Mode to allow streamers to easily pause Alerts if there’s an issue.
Chat countdown timer
To give more control, Twitch introduced the "Chat countdown timer". This optional feature will show streamers precisely when an ad is coming up, with options to snooze or pull ahead.
Clip Editor
Twitch already launched natively edited clips into a vertical format and export them directly to YouTube. Now, the company starts supporting direct exports to TikTok. "Clip Editor" will be adding trimming functionality and the ability to grant access to video editors. Twitch also bringing the "Clip Editor" to mobile.
Featured Clips
Streamers will be able to mark Clips as featured in their "Creator Dashboard". Now, the platform will prioritize showing your "Featured Clips" ahead of non-featured Clips in discovery surfaces, including the new "Discovery Feed", and over time allow streamers to control which Clips appear in the feed.
Guest Star
Twitch updated "Guest Star" with "Invite from Chat" and "Request to Join" features. Also, be added `streaming together`. Now, streamers can be live on their channel, and guests can be live on theirs. Streamers at any level can stream together with "Guest Star". With this update, up to five streamers can join forces, all while live from their own channels. When streaming together, a creator can add collaborators’ video feeds to his own stream, while still using his own Alerts and stream interactions. It’ll be easy for viewers to see streamers collaborate and follow their channels directly from one.
Discovery Feed
The "Discovery Feed" will be a scrollable feed in the Twitch app that shows users a personalized mix of Clips. Viewers will be able to discover Clips from tons of streamers’ channels, whether they’re live or not.
Shared Mod Comments
Remember "Shared Ban Info"? Twitch building on this tool by adding "Shared Mod Comments", which will let creators share information with other streamers about why they have banned people from their channel.
Platform bringing the "Stories" format to Twitch, to help streamers reach their entire community, even aren’t live. Notice, this is the ability for creators to reach all Twitch followers or to share with subscribers only. Viewers will be able to see these "Stories", along with stories from all streamers they follow, on the "Following page" in the Twitch mobile app. Also, to keep the community safe, stories are protected by Twitch Community Guidelines, as well as automated text and image scanning technology.
Stream Events
Twitch updating "Stream Events" to include support for a streamer’s IRL birthday, along with first-time-you-streamed anniversaries.
In conclusion
At first glance, these are quite useful changes for streamers. This serves as a significant signal that Twitch is on the verge of experiencing notable changes. What was the impetus? There are numerous reasons. But in recent months, the platform has actively struggled with some of its competitors, like Kick...